Support and Guarantees

We guarantee the reliable and safe use of your money.

How do we protect your money?

At Amerikan Cash, we have verification protocols for all the currencies we sell, ensuring that our customers never receive counterfeit bills, bills in poor condition or out of circulation. To achieve this, we constantly invest in our spaces’ infrastructure, specialized staff training, and cutting-edge technology.

Expert Staff in Financial Markets

Our staff is trained in detecting counterfeit bills, recognizing bills in circulation, current financial markets, interpreting the foreign exchange market and investment management.

State-of-the-art Spaces and Technology

Our personalized spaces are equipped with technology specialized in security and comfort, along with counterfeit and damaged banknote detection machines, serving as an additional filter for security and currency verification.

Amerikan Cash Certification Seals

All the banknotes we sell have our unique certificated stamp. If one is reported as false or out of circulation, we support our customers by exchanging said bill or refunding their money.

Infrastructure specialized in currency exchange.

We are well known for having specialized spaces designed specifically for our operations. Performing foreign exchange transactions requires rigorous processes and high-security standards. Therefore, we provide our users with specialized infrastructures, up-to-the-minute technology, comfort, and privacy.

Quality Control and Selection of Banknotes for Purchase/Sale

At Amerikan Cash, we are very rigorous with selecting banknotes before enabling them for sale. We are committed to consistently delivering banknotes in excellent condition, which are verified and are still in circulation.

In addition, we are constantly updated on financial markets, foreign exchange regulations, circulation regulations and financial updates from governments.

With us, you will never receive:

  • Fake currency
  • Banknotes out of circulation

If there is a bill that is not to your liking, it’s okay; we will gladly change it for you!

Security of Transactions and Transparency of Information

We have personal data policies where we manage protection mechanisms for our clients under the law, prepared following the provisions of the Political Constitution, Law 1518 of 2012, Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, Law 1712 of 2014, and Decree 1074 from 2015, chapters 25 to 28.

In addition, all foreign exchange operations for the purchase and sale of foreign currency are carried out through the exchange declaration, which contains the identification of the declarant and the beneficiary of the process, according to the standards regulated by the Banco de la República.